We can answer the question of what is a cholesteatoma in the most general way as an abnormal skin growth that occurs in the middle of the ear. Cholesteatoma, which can be congenital, can also be seen as a result of the frequent recurrence of the problem of middle ear inflammation. Although patients usually associate skin growth with cancer when they have such a problem, cholesteatoma is not related to cancer. Skin growth may occur with the formation of a cyst or pouch formation that holds the old skin layers.
With the accumulation of dead skin cells, the size of this skin growth also changes and can cause various destructions in the delicate bone structure of the middle ear. This may lead to hearing loss as well as balance problems and loss of function of facial muscles. Therefore, when a skin growth is noticed in the ear area, it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist without wasting time. In this way, appropriate treatment can be started as soon as possible after the necessary examinations are carried out.
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The Reasons of Cholesteatoma
Of course, the reason why cholesteatoma occurs is also wondered by the patients. Studies show that the frequent recurrence of otitis media causes this problem. However, we can state that some problems related to the functions of the Eustachian tube located at the back of the nose may also cause this problem. It should be noted that cholesteatoma may develop especially in the event of malfunctioning of the Eustachian tube due to chronic ear infections, sinus infections, colds or allergic reactions of the body.
However, it should be mentioned that the retraction of a part of the eardrum to the middle ear also raises the issue of what is cholesteatoma. Skin growths can also occur as a result of waste or fluid accumulation. Depending on genetic factors, skin growth may also develop in this area at a certain age. In other words, it should be noted that this problem can also be experienced independently of middle ear inflammation.
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The Symptoms of Cholesteatoma
First of all, one of the most important factors that should be underlined about cholesteatoma is that this disease can progress without showing any symptoms. For this reason, it is often difficult to diagnose at an early stage. Especially in case of damage to the bone structure in the middle ear region, various health problems such as meningitis and facial paralysis may occur. We can say that the symptoms are extremely mild in the initial phase. With the growth of the skin, the symptoms begin to become more severe and various complaints occur in the patients.
We can list the symptoms that are common and should be known about cholesteatoma as follows:
- Having an infection in the ear
- Having a bad smell in the ear
- Temporary or Permanent Hearing Loss
- Tinnitus
- Vertigo
- Weakness in facial muscles
- Inner ear cavity
- The spread of the cyst to the brain
- Meningitis
- Brain abscess
- Permanent ear drainage
Cholesteatoma Treatment
First of all, we should state that the inside of the ear should be cleaned before starting the treatment. Then, different treatment methods such as the use of antibiotics or the use of ear drops can be tried. In this way, the inflammation is reduced and at the same time its spread can be prevented. The size and degree of cholesteatoma are also important. Surgical intervention may be required if the disease is advanced or when other treatments fail to yield results.
Cholesteatoma Surgery
The operation is performed under general anesthesia and it is not possible for the patient to feel any pain or pain during the operation. At the same time, clinical rest is not required after the surgery and the patients are discharged on the same day. Complete removal of the cyst and repair of the damaged parts of the inner ear is the basic principle of the surgery.
However, after the operation, it is absolutely necessary to check whether the cyst is formed again. For this reason, we should state that postoperative follow-up and controls are of great importance and that patients should definitely not neglect their follow-up examinations.
Post-Surgery Care
How to care after the operation is also among the things that should be known. After the operation, some changes in taste and mild dizziness may be experienced. However, these problems disappear on their own in a short time. Of course, it may be necessary not to receive a damage to the ear during the recovery period, to avoid movements that force the body in the first days after the surgery, and to take a break from heavy sports activities at the same time.
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