The eye contour is one of the factors that determine how young a person looks. The triangular appearance of wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes is called “crow’s feet” among the people. The botox application on this area is called ‘botox for crow’s feet’ in the most general term. Both women and men can benefit from the procedure applied to remove fine wrinkles and lines around the eyes.
The eye contour botox or botox for crow’s feet procedure for wrinkle removal can make the person look younger. Of course, the process is planned individually and it is not possible to use the same amount of botox material for every individual. Issues such as the extent of the wrinkles around the eyes of the person, the depth of these wrinkles or the skin structure are taken into account. Thus, it is decided how many units of material will be used.
Applying it to the wrinkles around the eyes does not only open the existing wrinkles. It can also slow down the process of new wrinkle formation in the future. It is also observed that fewer new wrinkles are formed, especially in those who regularly have botox for crow’s feet. We will also talk about how botox for crow’s feet is done and what should be considered after the application. However, beforehand, it would be useful to address the issue of why such intense wrinkles occur around the eyes.
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Why Do Wrinkles Occur Around the Eyes?
There is not only one reason for the formation of crow’s feet wrinkles on the skin surface. It should be noted that this appearance becomes prominent due to more than one factor. The most important factor is advancing age. Most of the time, this type of skin wrinkles is not encountered at young ages. However, with the age of 40, the appearance of crow’s feet begins to appear, even if it is vaguely. Depending on the skin structure of the person, this appearance may occur at an earlier age. The reason is that with the advancing age, the skin experiences loss of collagen.
Collagen is one of the main components of the skin and also one of the cartilage connective tissues. Collagen, a type of protein, is among the most decisive substances in the youthful appearance of the skin. Because it is one of the substances that ensures the firmness, flexibility and continuous renewal of skin cells. Over time, the collagen drop causes wrinkles to form, especially in the facial area and around the eyes.
One of the reasons for the formation of wrinkles in the form of crow’s feet around the eyes is facial expressions. Repetitive gestures cause wrinkles on the skin over time. These wrinkles, which are in the form of fine lines at first, turn into deep lines as time progresses. One of the causes of wrinkles around the eyes is skin structure. The appearance of crow’s feet occurs more frequently and in a shorter time in those who have a thin and sensitive skin structure. Therefore, we can say that skin structure is also among the reasons.
Laughing, squinting is another reason. The appearance of crow’s feet is more evident in those who smile a lot or squint frequently. We can state that those who work in jobs that require attention have more wrinkles around their eyes when they squint more frequently. However, it is now possible to give the eyecontour a more tight and flat appearance. Because with botox for crow’s feet, this unwanted appearance is completely eliminated or alleviated.
The earlier the botox for crow’s feet is applied, the longer the deepening time of the fine lines will be. For this reason, it is not recommended for those who complain of wrinkles around the eyes to wait for a long time. Because it is not possible to completely open the very deep wrinkles with only botox application. When Botox is applied to deep wrinkles around the eyes, only these wrinkles can be lightened and their depth is reduced.
How Is Botox for Crow’s Feet Made?
Botox for crow’s feet does not require an incision or stitching on the skin. It is a completely non-surgical method. We can also state that no pain or ache is felt during this method, which is based on the procedure of injecting the prepared botox material under the skin of the person. Before starting the application, anesthetic cream is applied on the area. After this area is completely numbed, the procedure is started. Botox material is injected inyo the previously planned skin area with an extremely fine-tipped injector. After this process, which is completed in approximately 10 to 15 minutes, it is possible for the person to return to his daily life and even business life. Since it is a painless procedure, there is no need to rest after botox for crow’s feet.
When Does Botox for Crow’s Feet Take Effect?
One of the frequently asked questions is when the effect of the process starts to show. People who benefit from this procedure may not notice any changes in the first days because it is not a process that shows its effect immediately after the application. The results of the procedure begin to be seen in a period ranging from one week to 10 days. In order to see the full result, it is necessary to wait up to 2 weeks. However, those who have under-eye botox, not crow’s feet, begin to see the results of the procedure in 4-5 days.
We can also say that the results are seen more clearly within a week due to the skin structure of some people. Therefore, the issue of when the botox for crow’s feet results will be seen may differ from person to person. It is only possible to note that this period is no longer than 2 weeks.
What Should Be Considered After Botox for Crow’s Feet?
As we mentioned before, botox for crow’s feet is not a surgical intervention, not an aesthetic operation. For this reason, we can say that the recovery processes that can trouble the person are not experienced, and it is a very comfortable process. This procedure is performed after the area is anesthetized by applying anesthetic cream. Therefore, it is not possible to feel any pain, aches or cramps during or after the procedure. The feeling of numbness disappears in a short time.
Only on the day of the application the person needs to pay attention to a few issues. The first is not to lean forward too much. It is also important not to lie face down and not to touch the area where the procedure is performed. Cosmetic products should not be applied to this area. Alcohol and tobacco products should not be used on the day of application, heavy sports activities should be avoided. Considering the possibility of infection, not entering environments such as the sea, pool, sauna and Turkish bath on the day of the procedure is among the factors to be considered. Being in extremely hot environments shortens the effect time of botox.
Are There Any Side Effects of Botox for Crow’s Feet?
In some people, when procedures such as botox for crow’s feet or forehead botox are applied, a resistance to the process may occur. This problem is completely caused by the person’s own metabolic state and skin structure. However, we can underline that this problem is very rare. In such cases, different botox materials can be preferred and the procedure can be performed again. Apart from this, botox for crow’s feet does not have any side effects or harms. This process has been safely applied for many years both in our country and in many different countries of the world. If you have questions about the botox procedure applied around the eyes, you can write them in the comment section.