Voice feminization surgery is an operation performed when the voice of the person is not suitable for his age, physical appearance or gender. The main factor that makes the sound high-pithced or deep is the number of vibrations that occur during the production of the sound, in other words, the frequency of the sound. Voice frequency should be below 120 Hz for men and above 150 Hz for women. As the fundamental frequencies of the sound rise, the sound becomes more high-pitched and as the frequency decreases, the sound becomes deeper.

Those who have a voice that is deeper than the ideal due to congenital and structural reasons, those who have problems with deepening of the voice due to hormonal reasons and transsexuals may need this surgery, which is performed to feminize the voice. At the same time, this surgery can be performed if the patient’s health condition is suitable for surgical intervention for the problem of deepening of the voice observed due to the use of tobacco products for a long time.

How Is It Performed?

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It should be noted that in general, voice feminization surgery can be performed using several different techniques. The technique of the surgery to be performed is decided by taking into account factors such as the patient’s current voice status and how much voice feminization is needed. Today, we can list the most frequently applied voice feminization surgery techniques as follows:

Wendler’s Glottoplasty

In this surgery, which is performed under general anesthesia, it’s entered through the motuh  and the operation is performed with the help of a microscope. With this surgery, which is performed as a procedure for placing sutures on the vocal cords, it is possible to adjust the length of the vocal cord as desired.

Laser Reduction Glottoplasty

This operation is also performed by entering through the mouth and when it is performed under general anesthesia, it is not possible for the patient to feel any pain or ache. Laser technology is used in the surgery and the vocal cord layers are thinned.

Cricothyroid Approximation

Surgery to increase vocal cord tension is usually performed under local anesthesia. With the operation performed by applying a small incision to the neck region, the patient’s voice is listened to and the most appropriate pitch can be determined. We can state that this procedure, which is called type 4 thyroplasty, is the most preferred among the surgeries performed for the purpose of thinning the vocal cord.

Of course, some techniques may offer advantages such as not applying an incision to the throat and entering through the mouth in these surgeries for voice feminization. However, it should be noted that not every technique is suitable for every patient. For this reason, the surgical technique to be applied must be decided by your doctor.

FYI –> https://en.draltanyildirim.com/hoarseness/

Should I Have This Operation?

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If you are experiencing various problems due to the fact that your voice is deeper than ideal, or if you are negatively affected by this situation in a psychological sense, you can have voice feminization surgery. If you talk to an otolaryngologist, you will be given much more enlightening information. Because sometimes the deepening of the voice can be a temporary situation. Therefore, there is no need for surgery in such cases. However, if you are experiencing a permanent voice deepening problem, you can easily get rid of this problem and other problems it causes with a single surgery.

How Much is a Voice Feminization Surgery?

Patients may also want to have information about voice feminization surgery prices. However, the patient needs to be examined and the condition of the vocal cords should be evaluated. Then, the most ideal surgical technique will be determined by the physician and the patient will be informed about the price later. Since the surgery prices are not the same for each patient, it may be misleading to talk about a net price.

It should be noted that many different factors such as the experience of the doctor, the operation technique to be applied in the surgery, the health status of the patient and the rate of examination in the voice also affect the prices. Therefore, it would be much more accurate to be examined first and then request price information.

After Voice Feminization Surgery

After the voice feminization surgery, you should rest your voice for 1 week. Additionally, it is very important to avoid movements that force the body. Not using the voice much and not being forced for two months provides a faster recovery period.

If the surgery is performed through the mouth, there may be a situation where the voice is deepened, and this is medically normal, but temporary. In order for the patient to achieve 100% of the desired high-pitched voice after the operation, a period of 6 to 12 months should pass. In addition, you should not forget that the recommendations and warnings of the doctor should be strictly followed.

You should definitely read it –> https://en.draltanyildirim.com/vocal-cord-paralysis/