The problem of sleep apnea interests many people today. The incidence of sleep apnea, which can be explained as a short-term cessation of breathing during sleep, is around 10% in our country. It should also be noted that not every interruption of breathing during sleep is sleep apnea. In order to talk about sleep apnea, it is necessary to stop breathing for at least 10 seconds. Besides, another factor that should be known about what is sleep apnea is that there are 3 different subtypes of this problem.
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Obstructive Sleep Apnea
It is a type of sleep apnea that occurs due to some factors that cause obstruction in the upper respiratory tract. It should be noted that it is the most common type of sleep apnea worldwide and in our country.
Central Sleep Apnea
This type of sleep apnea is related to the brain. Because the brain cannot send the correct signals to the muscles that control breathing, and sleep apnea may develop as a result.
Mixed Sleep Apnea
In this type of sleep apnea, both obstructive and central sleep apnea occur together. We can say that this type of sleep apnea is less common among people.
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What are the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?
Of course, sleep apnea symptoms should also be mentioned, but the symptoms may vary depending on which type of sleep apnea the person has. In general, the most common symptoms can be listed as follows:
- Loud snoring
- Experiencing episodes of respiratory arrest during sleep
- Sudden awakening from sleep
- Having a dry mouth or sore throat in the morning
- Insomnia, difficulty falling asleep
- Headaches in the morning
- A depressed mood
- Irritability
- Lack of attention or being unable to focus for a long time
Some of these symptoms may also occur due to different health problems. However, it is still important to consider each symptom and to have more information about what sleep apnea is. If symptoms are noted, you should consult a doctor so that appropriate treatment can be administered.
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What are the Reasons of Sleep Apnea?
The reasons of sleep apnea are as important as the issue of sleep apnea. Causes may vary in obstructive and central sleep apnea. The reasons of obstructive sleep apnea include:
- Being overweight
- Being male
- Have a thick neck
- The person’s airways are narrow
- Use of sleeping pills, tranquilizers or similar drugs
- Alcohol and smoking
- Nasal congestion
- Genetic predisposition to sleep apnea
We can list the causes of central sleep apnea as follows:
- Having had a brain infection called encephalitis
- Cerebral palsy
- Brain stem problems
- Having heart diseases
- Use of narcotic pain relievers
How Is It Diagnosed?
While investigating what sleep apnea is, patients may wonder how it is diagnosed. Before the diagnosis is made, both general examinations and ear-nose-throat examination of the patient should be done. It may be necessary to examine the upper respiratory tract with a cannula called flexible endoscopy which has a camera. Imaging of the upper respiratory tract with radiological examinations such as MRI and CT may also be on the agenda.
If necessary, the patient may be admitted to the sleep center. It should be noted that a sleep analysis test called polysomnography is also required for diagnosis. These tests and examinations are very important for a correct diagnosis. The diagnosis can be made by listening to the patient’s complaints and evaluating the test and examination results together.
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What are the Treatment Methods for Sleep Apnea?
Additionally, it would be useful to talk about the treatment of sleep apnea. Along with the treatments, the patient may need to make some changes in his lifestyle. Besides, it should be noted that the treatment may be in the form of positive air pressure, or surgical intervention may be required. It is also important to quit smoking, drinking alcohol and to get rid of the excess weight of the patient.
If the discomfort has reached advanced stage, a sleep apnea device called CPAP can be used. The task of these devices is to keep the upper respiratory tract open continuously. Surgical intervention is preferred when necessary or when other treatments cannot be applied for various reasons.
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