The most common answer that can be given to the question of what is snoring is “vibration caused by the air in the soft tissue as it passes through the throat during breathing and thus, resulting in a sound”. The fact that it occurs during sleep is due to the narrowing of the area where the tongue base, uvula and throat meet. In fact, depending on how narrow this area is, the intensity of the sound produced during snoring also changes. This problem, which is frequently seen in adult individuals, is experienced occasionally in 45% of the society and permanently in 25%. Snoring can also be seen in children, but we can say that the rate is only around 12% in children.
The severity of snoring is about not only sleeping position, but also age and weight. Those who live by themselves often do not even realize that they snore at night. For this reason, it is useful to mention the symptoms of snoring.
- Having a sore throat, especially in the morning
- Feeling tired during the day
- Difficulty controlling blood pressure or blood sugar
- Heart palpitations
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Waking up panting at night
- Concentration disorder
- Irritability
The main source of all these may be other diseases as well as snoring.
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Why Does Snoring Occur?
The reason for snoring is as important as the question of what is snoring. We can list the causes of snoring as follows:
- Having problems with the shape of the nose, throat and chin
- Swelling of the uvula or soft palate
- Swelling of tonsils and adenoids
- Cold or allergy problem
- Overweight
- Use of alcohol
- Use of sleeping pills
- Use of antihistamines
- Pregnancy
- Sleeping position
- Tiredness
- Hypertension
- Some heart diseases
- Sleep apnea
- Not getting enough sleep
However, some factors can cause snoring in people who do not normally snore, and increase snoring in people who snore. Examples of these are infectious diseases and the use of tobacco products.
How Is Snoring Treated?
Snoring is a condition that can sometimes be eliminated with simple changes and sometimes requires treatment. First of all, after changes such as changing the sleeping position, choosing a higher pillow or getting rid of excess weight, snoring may disappear. We can give examples such as quitting alcohol and smoking, abandoning the habit of eating before going to bed, and consuming light foods in the evening. However, if the complaint of snoring continues despite these changes, an otolaryngologist should be consulted. In this way, the causes of snoring can be determined and the appropriate treatment procedure can be followed.
The treatment can sometimes be in the form of an apparatus in the mouth. We should also state that these apparatuses are specially prepared for the person. The apparatus allows the tongue to be pushed backwards, thus increasing the space for the mouth and enlarging the air passageway. Surgery is another treatment option. However, before the operation, the person must be hospitalized in a sleep laboratory.
What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome?
For some people, the question of what is snoring may be much more important because the problem of obstructive apnea can accompany snoring. We can say that obstructive apnea syndrome, which has a prevalence over 3% of the society, is seen at a rate of 50% in men over 50 years of age and overweight. This problem, which can cause many different problems from hypertension to heart attack and migraine, occurs in the form of stopping breathing once or several times during sleep. The symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, which can lead to inability to focus or irritability at first and then depression, are as follows:
- Waking up in the morning with dry mouth
- Waking up with a headache
- Difficulty waking up despite getting enough sleep
- Sweating in the head, neck and chest area during sleep
- Feeling of not being able to breathe at night
- Severe snoring
- Ability to fall asleep even while sitting during the day
- Being sleepy all day
How to Reduce Snoring?
Those who have the problem can also look for ways to reduce snoring. However, in order to reduce it, the factor that causes snoring must be determined first. You can only get rid of snoring by methods such as determining the height of the pillow correctly or losing weight. However, if it persists, you should consult a doctor and seek treatment.
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