Sleep laboratory tests are of particular interest to those who have severe snoring or sleep apnea problems because sometimes patients may need to have these tests in order to make a definitive diagnosis. With these tests, all data related to sleep are recorded and transferred to the digital environment.
Afterwards, these data as well as the behavior of the patient during sleep are evaluated and a diagnosis is made by taking into account the patient’s complaints. It should be noted that sleep laboratories are usually special rooms created with the sensitivity of home environment. Therefore, the vast majority of patients do not have any trouble falling asleep in these laboratories.
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Why Is Sleep Test Done?
Sleep lab tests can be done to identify the source of problems such as sleep apnea. These tests review patients’ brain functions, eye movements, and respiratory activities during sleep. However, it may be necessary to measure the oxygen level in the blood of the patients. Because long-term cessation of breathing means less oxygen intake.
As a result, sleep laboratory tests can be performed to diagnose, observe and follow the results of the treatment applied. In most cases, when surgical intervention is required, such examinations and records should be carried out in the laboratory environment. It is possible to state that tests are of great importance in determining the source of the problem and what kind of reactions this problem causes in the patient’s body.
In this case, one may wonder who should apply for sleep tests. Let’s just give a short list:
- Those who are constantly sleepy during the day
- People with noisy snoring
- Short or prolonged cessation of breathing during sleep
- Experiencing restless sleep
- Those with suspected narcolepsy
- Those with periodic leg movements disorder, restless legs syndrome
- Those with REM behavior disorder
If you are experiencing one of the problems listed above, you may also need to undergo sleep tests. Thus, the most accurate diagnosis can be made and the most appropriate treatment option for the patient is determined and treatment is started.
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What Do Sleep Lab Tests Do?
When you consult a doctor with various complaints, the factors that impair sleep quality should be clearly identified. This is where sleep laboratory tests play an importing role. These tests can be performed for diagnosis and the treatment follow-up. Test results may enable the presence of certain diseases to be detected.
Besides, the behaviors exhibited by the patient during sleep and, in a sense, the features that are characterized by sleep are tried to be detected. The answers to dozens of different questions, such as which brain activities occur, which positions the body enters during sleep, and in which positions breathing is interrupted for a short or long time, can be found with polymononography tests performed in sleep laboratories. Additionally, it should be stated that these test results are extremely important in the planning of the surgical intervention to be performed.
What are Sleep Lab Tests?
Polymononography tests, that is, sleep laboratory tests, do not take place with stages that force the patient as it is thought. Patients are asked to go to the sleep center at the specified time. Then, electrodes are attached to various parts of the patient’s body. The patient is advised not to drink alcohol on the day of the test, not to sleep during the day, and not to consume caffeine at a level that will affect sleep quality. Of course, it is important not to take sleep-inducing drugs on the day of the test.
Patients bring their sleeping clothes with them, and the technician in charge gives information about the procedures to be applied to the patient after completing all the preparations. In the meantime, since the electrodes are placed on the scalp and behind the ear, the patient is asked to take a shower before coming to obtain a healthy data. Sensors are also attached to the patient’s fingertip and nose. Afterwards, the technician goes to the monitoring room and the signals are transferred to the computer environment and monitored. There is also a camera in the room and it records the patient’s image.
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Where Do Sleep Lab Tests Take Place?
In order to have these tests, you must first be examined by an otolaryngologist. Then, if it is found necessary by your doctor, you may be asked to have sleep laboratory tests. These tests can be done in private sleep laboratories prepared by health institutions.
Additionally, we can state that there are sleep laboratories that serve independently from health institutions. You can consult your doctor about this and informed more accurately. It may take 1 to 2 days for the results of these tests to be evaluated by your doctor. Because many different data are obtained during the test and the data must be evaluated together.
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