Ear calcification, or otosclerosis, is a very common problem, although it is not well known in the society. It should be known that ear calcification, which can cause serious damage to the inner ear nerves, can also lead to hearing loss. Because in case of calcification, the sound cannot be carried to the inner ear and accordingly hearing loss may occur. Calcification mostly occurs between the inner ear bone and the stirrup.
Calcification can occur due to various reasons, as well as due to genetic factors. Ear calcification, which is one of the most common causes of hearing loss, can occur in 3 different ways.
Yazı İçeriği
Calcification occurs in the eardrum.
This type of calcification can completely immobilize the middle ear ossicles.
Commonly seen otosclerosis, on the other hand, is a type of calcification that progresses to the inner ear or occurs directly in the inner ear.
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The Symptoms of Otosclerosis
Ear calcification can show different symptoms in patients. However, it should be noted that the severity of the symptoms can also vary. Common symptoms are as follows:
- Difficulty or inability to select sounds
- A feeling of pressure or fullness in the ear
- Hearing less voices day by day
- Severe pain in the ears while using headphones
- Irregularity in heartbeat
- Blood spatter to the brain
- Tinnitus
- Reddening of the eardrum
- Headache
Since this disorder progresses slowly, the symptoms listed above are often not felt in the early stages of the disease. When calcification reaches a certain level, symptoms begin to appear. Even if only a few of these symptoms are seen, it would be beneficial to consult an otolaryngologist without wasting time. In this way, examinations and tests can be performed and early diagnosis can be made.
FYI –> https://en.draltanyildirim.com/kulak-cinlamasi/
Ear Calcification Surgery
Before the surgery, physical examination, hearing test or some radiological examinations may be needed. Then, surgical planning is performed. It is not possible for the patient to feel pain or pain during ear calcification surgery performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, the ossicles damaged by calcification are removed.
Depending on the condition of the calcification, it may be necessary to intervene in the hammer, anvil and stirrup bones. Because before the surgery, it has already been determined which bones are affected by calcification. Instead of the removed bones, prostheses that function as the same as the removed ones are placed and the surgery is completed. The main purpose of the surgery is to restore hearing to the same level. The prostheses used to fulfill this can be produced using titanium, fluoroplastic, Teflon or Teflon fluoroplastic materials. The prosthesis that is most suitable for the patient’s condition will be selected by the otolaryngologist.
Treatment Methods
If ear calcification is detected in the early period, different treatment methods may be preferred. However, in the future, positive results cannot be obtained from these treatments, and accordingly, surgical operation may be necessary. During the surgery, a prosthesis that takes on the role of the stirrup bone in the ear may also be placed on the agenda. In this way, it becomes possible for the patient to get rid of the hearing loss problem. If the disease is detected at an early stage, the use of tablets containing sodium fluoride may be activated. In this case, the rate of progression of the disease is also slowed down.
Does Ear Calcification Cause Headache?
One of the most curious factors on the subject is whether there is a headache in case of ear calcification. A headache may occur due to the inability to hear sounds. At the same time, headaches may occur in patients due to tinnitus. In such cases, the use of painkillers prescribed by an otolaryngologist may be preferred. In this way, the daily life of the patients due to the pain experienced is prevented from being negatively affected.
Incidence Frequency
Ear calcification, which can occur at any age, is more common, especially between the ages of 20 and 30. Due to the fact that it is an extremely slow progressing disease, it does not cause any discomfort in the patients in the first stages. When it shows symptoms such as pain or hearing loss, the level of calcification progresses.
We can state that if the diagnosis is made in the early period, the problem can be eliminated with a shorter treatment. Its incidence is around 10%. It is possible to state that this problem, which is more common in women, may occur especially during pregnancy.
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