Although earache may seem simple, it is one of the complaints that seriously affect daily life. This pain, which is frequently seen not only in children but also in adults, can sometimes be accompanied by irritating complaints such as throbbing, stinging and burning sensations. The complaint of ear pain must be taken seriously by the patient and a consultation with an otolaryngologist should be done as soon as possible in order to apply the necessary treatment. Because you should not forget that the problem of ear pain, which can also be caused by simple reasons, can also be a harbinger of serious health problems. The source must be identified and the necessary treatment carried out.
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What’s the Reason of Earache?
The ear consists of 3 different parts in total: inner, middle and outer. Understanding in which part of the ear the patient’s ear pain complaint occurs is very important in terms of making a correct diagnosis. For this reason, a detailed ear examination must be done. Ear infections are the most common cause of pain in the ear. Inflammation in the middle ear is more common. At the same time, we can state that earache complaints may occur due to traumatic reasons such as a blow to the ear.
Another factor that causes ear pain is the accumulation of earwax. Earwax is one of the physiological body secretions. However, reasons such as excessive secretion or improper ear cleaning cause this secretion to accumulate in the ear. This secretion hardens over time and causes a blockage in the ear canal. It can also cause pain complaints.
Pressure changes are another cause of earache. In case of climbing to a high altitude, the pressure change becomes severe and this can cause various complaints such as pain and ringing in the ears. In this case, we can state that the pain experienced is called barotrauma. Obstruction of the Eustachian tube can also cause pain in the ears. Because when a blockage occurs in the Eustachian tube, the pressure cannot be balanced. As a result, a tension is felt in the eardrum. In addition to all these, we can list other factors that cause pain in the ear as follows:
- Foreign body in the ear canal
- Throat infections
- Sinus infections
- Burning or frostbite in the ear
- Hematoma
Earache in Children
Especially middle ear inflammation, also known as otitis media, is one of the most common problems in children and adults, and it can also cause ear pain complaints. We can state that this problem is more common in children. Almost every year, 30% of children under the age of 3 suffer from otitis media. After the age of 5, we can say that the incidence is much less. The clearest symptom of this problem is pain in the ear, and a doctor is usually consulted with this complaint.
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The Symptoms of Earache
Ear pain in adults is already a self-evident complaint. However, ear pain in babies can manifest itself in the form of various symptoms. You should consult an otolaryngologist when symptoms such as crying frequently, waking up crying from sleep, and putting hands on ears occur. In the case of ear pain caused by otitis media, this complaint may also be accompanied by symptoms such as high body temperature and shivering.
The Treatment of Earache
Patients may wonder how they will be treated in case of earache. However, before the treatment, the factor causing the pain must be determined. When the source of this problem is detected and the cause of the pain is eliminated, the pain in the ear will disappear on its own. For example, when it comes to ear pain caused by common ear inflammation, first of all, drug treatment should be applied to relieve the inflammation. Of course, if the patient has a complaint of pain, it is also possible to prescribe pain medication along with the treatment, thus providing relief for the patient.
Diagnosis is required to determine the factor causing the pain complaint, and some tests or examinations are also needed. One of them is ear examination. It is necessary to determine in which part of the ear the factor causing the pain is present. Treatment may be in the form of medication, but also surgical intervention may be required. Especially in cases such as rupture of the eardrum, surgical repair of the tissue becomes mandatory. After the diagnosis, your doctor will inform you about the treatment method to be followed.