Although vocal cord paralysis is not a well-known disorder in the society, it is a serious condition that can even cause respiratory distress. This problem, which can occur due to many different reasons, can sometimes be experienced after surgical interventions. The most common and most important symptom is that food enters into the trachea during feeding and causes coughing attacks. Also, we can say that the problem of hoarseness often accompanies them.
This disease, which occurs as a result of the dysfunction of the nerves that move the muscles of the larynx, can also make breathing difficult. When most of the patients applied to the doctor with complaints of respiratory distress and coughing attacks, we can say that vocal cord paralysis was detected in the examinations. Vocal cord paralysis is generally seen in 3 different ways.
- Unilateral vocal cord paralysis
- Bilateral vocal cord paralysis
- Paralysis of the nerve that supplies sensation to the larynx
In unilateral vocal cord paralysis, the vocal cord mostly shifts towards the outer side of the midline. Slipping of the vocal cord to the side can cause some changes in the voice. In bilateral vocal cord paralysis, the vocal cords are located at or near the midline, and hoarseness is not usually seen. However, in this case, respiratory problems may occur. In the case of paralysis of the nerve that provides the sensation of the larynx, a mild hoarseness may occur. Although the tone of voice is usually normal, patients state that their voices change when they sing or talk for a long time. Especially in bilateral sensory nerve palsies, there is a risk of fluid leakage into the lungs, and it must be intervened as soon as possible.
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The Treatment of Vocal Cord Paralysis
First of all, in order to diagnose this paralysis, it is necessary to enter the muscles that move the vocal cord and to measure with the laryngeal electromyography technique, which measures the electrical power of the muscles. In this way, the diagnosis can be made and at the same time it is decided whether there is a need for surgical intervention. Treatment can be done in different ways, depending on the stroke and the patient’s condition.
Voice therapy is generally performed to strengthen the paralyzed vocal cord and to close the vocal cords. If the sensory nerve is infected unilaterally, treatment is often not needed. However, if the it is bilateral, it may be necessary to drill a small hole in the neck area. The purpose of this intervention is to prevent the consumed food or liquid from entering into the lungs. In this way, more serious problems can be prevented and respiratory problems can be prevented.
The Reasons of Vocal Cord Paralysis
We can clearly state that the problems that occur in the head, neck and chest area bring along this paralysis problem. However, sometimes this problem can occur for no apparent reason. Despite all the examinations made in such cases, the factors causing the paralysis cannot be determined. We can list the common causes of vocal cord paralysis as follows:
- Tumors in the lung, neck, larynx, or esophagus
- Trauma to the neck
- Heart enlargement problem
- Having congenital heart problems
- Head injuries
- Some surgeries
- Vascular diseases
- Infections
We can say that vocal cord paralysis can develop especially after lung, heart, thyroid and neck hernia surgeries. Among these, the most common reason that can cause this problem is goiter surgery.
How Does It Heal?
In case of bilateral vocal cord paralysis, laser technology can be used and laser cordotomy can be applied. It should be noted that this operation is performed under general anesthesia. Therefore, it is not a painful procedure for patients. With the help of a pipe placed through the mouth, the vocal cords are seen by the surgeon. A microscope and laser are used together, and an outward incision is made at the junction of the vocal cord in the cartilage tissue. In this way, a breathing space is created for the patient. This method is not applied to every patient diagnosed with vocal cord paralysis.
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How to Fix Vocal Cord Paralysis?
Today, this paralysis is fixed with different interventions. After the examinations and tests, the treatment options are evaluated by the otolaryngologist and the most appropriate treatment procedure is applied. Some patients do not need any treatment. However, you should not forget that you must be examined by your doctor and that the stage and location of vocal cord paralysis should be examined.