We can define the question of what is sinusitis in its most general form as “inflammation in the cell layer covering the sinuses in the facial bones and skull”. Sinuses are cavities in the skull and these cavities are filled with respiratory tract cells.

Sinuses have undertaken extremely important tasks such as heating and humidifying the inhaled air, holding foreign particles, secreting mucus, keeping bacteria and preventing their proliferation. When sinusitis is experienced, edema occurs in the opening of the sinus cavities and these cavities are blocked due to edema. The factors that cause edema can be various types of bacteria as well as virus types.

How Does It Heal?

One of the most important issues that patients should know about what is sinusitis is what causes this ailment. We can list the common causes of sinusitis in general as follows:

  • Allergic reaction
  • Adenoid
  • Nasal bone curvature
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Weakening of the immune system
  • Blowing your nose vigorously
  • Having polyps and tumors in the nose
  • Foreign body entrance
  • Abnormalities in the anatomy of the nose
  • Dental infections

In order for sinusitis to pass, various treatment methods must be applied. However, some examinations and tests may be needed before deciding which treatment will be preferred. In this way, the factors that cause sinusitis are detected and treatment procedures to eliminate these factors can be chosen.

You may be interested –> https://en.draltanyildirim.com/allergic-rhinitis/

Is There a Treatment for Sinusitis?

sinüzit tedavisi var mı

Sometimes we can also witness that there is a false belief among people about what sinusitis is. One of them is that there is no cure for sinusitis. However, sinusitis is a treatable condition. If this disease has just started in the patient, the use of antibiotic drugs and nasal drops used for emptying the sinuses may be preferred.

Painkillers may be prescribed to relieve the patient. It may also be advisable for the patient to frequently clean the nose with salt water during the treatment process. However, if sinusitis is caused by allergies, it may be necessary to use medication to eliminate the factors that cause allergies.

In the case of chronic sinusitis, different treatment protocols are applied. It may be necessary to use stronger antibiotic drugs and these drugs may be used for a longer period of time. At the same time, it may be needed in the application of various surgical interventions such as sinus lavages and endoscopic sinus surgeries.

FYI –>  https://en.draltanyildirim.com/flu/

What are the Symptoms of Sinusitis?

First of all, we need to state that the symptoms may differ in acute and chronic sinusitis. For this reason, the answer to the question of what sinusitis is and what its symptoms are may not be the same in all types of sinusitis.

Acute Sinusitis Symptoms

  • Nasal congestion
  • Runny nose (may be yellow or green in color or bloody)
  • Pain around the eyes
  • Pain in the cheeks (this may be accompanied by toothache)
  • Having a feeling of pressure on the face
  • Facial pain or headache that increases when leaning forward
  • Bad breath
  • Dry cough
  • Stomach ailments
  • High fever

Chronic Sinusitis Symptoms

sinüzit belirtileri

In the case of chronic sinusitis, we should note that the duration of the symptoms is 3 months or longer. We can list these symptoms as follows:

  • Thick runny nose
  • Postnasal drip
  • Nasal congestion
  • Inability to smell
  • Dry cough that increases at night

What are the Diagnostic Methods?

Most of the time, the diagnosis can be made by examination. On examination, it is observed that the nasal mucous is swollen and red. Sensitivity in the sinuses is also common. However, there is one more thing that patients should know about what is sinusitis. Endoscopic examination may also be needed for diagnosis. Because endoscopic examination, especially the areas where the sinuses empty into the nose, can be seen in much more detail. It should be noted that different tests such as computed tomography may also be needed.

What are the Types of Sinusitis?

Another factor that is often wondered is the types of sinusitis. Sinusitis is divided into two subgroups.

Acute Sinusitis

It usually occurs after an upper respiratory tract infection. In case of acute sinusitis, inflammation may also occur around the eyes.

Chronic Sinusitis

It is a type of sinusitis that lasts for a minimum of 12 weeks and is characterized by symptoms such as decreased smell or inability to smell. Its characteristic feature is that patients always feel tired and sluggish. A longer treatment is required.

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