Face lift surgery is an operation performed to remove sagging and wrinkles that occur in the face area with the increasing age, and to obtain a younger and more taut facial appearance. This operation is completely planned depending on the needs of the person and its main goal is to eliminate the effects of aging on the face.
With aging, the skin loses its elasticity. Decreased collagen production also leads to skin wrinkles and sagging skin. Of course, time alone is not responsible for aging in the facial area. Many factors such as the harmful rays of the sun, lifestyle, poor diet, use of alcohol and tobacco products can accelerate the aging process. In this case, wrinkles form on the skin, spots appear, sagging occurs. Wrinkles, especially in the forehead area, are becoming one of the simple indicators of aging.
Forehead lines are often accompanied by low eyebrows, drooping eyelids, baggy under-eyes, and deep lines in the mouth and nose region. The sagging of the cheeks, the disappearance of the chin contours, the loosening of the skin in the neck area and even the formation of skin layers are also remarkable problems in the appearance of the face that occur with the increasing age. At this point, the intervention that comes into play is face lift surgery.
Face lift operation, also known as rhytidectomy, cannot stop the aging process of the person. However, it can provide a much younger face appearance than it is. Among those who benefit from this operation, there are those who look 5 years, 10 years or even 15 years younger than they are. The surgery is quite extensive and many facial parts are intervened. One of the main purposes in face lift surgeries is to eliminate sagging and irregularities in the face and neck region. At the same time, the excess in the cheek and neck area is also removed. Fat tissues are drawn and accumulate in some anatomical regions. Facial tissues can also be supplemented if necessary. If desired, some complementary interventions such as the correction of the eyelids can also be included in surgery.
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Who Can Benefit from Face Lift Surgery?
Facelift operation is very suitable for people who have sagging skin in the face and neck region even though their skin’s elasticity level is at a certain level. It should be noted that this operation cannot be performed during pregnancy and breastfeeding periods. In order for the person to benefit from the operation, it is also important that there should be no health problem that prevents the operation.
Most individuals over the age of 40 benefit from this operation. However, surgery can also be performed in the age of 50s or 60s. Genetic factors are also effective in skin aging. Some people show signs of aging at a much earlier age. In such cases, face lift operations can be easily benefited from, without the need to wait for a long time. What kind of interventions to be performed in the surgery is decided by taking into account the needs of the person. The same interventions do not need to be performed at the same level in every patient. In the pre-operative planning phase, the regions to be intervened are determined. If necessary, complementary interventions are also utilized, thus enabling the dream of a younger face appearance to come true.
What Are the Types of Face Lift Surgery?
In general, facelift surgery is evaluated in 3 different categories. These are mid face lift, mini face lift and full face lift.
Mid Face Lift Surgery
Mid-face lift operation is based on the procedure of moving the cheek region tissues, which shows a drooping appearance under eyes, upside. It is possible to perform the operation with a small incision made in the under-eye area. At the same time, the skin can be stretched by entering through the scalp. We can say that most people between the ages of 40 and 55 benefit from mid-face lift surgery. It may be possible to perform this surgery with both general anesthesia and local anesthesia. Although the duration of the operation varies from person to person, it is usually around 2 hours.
Mini Face Lift Surgery
This surgery is performed for those between the ages of 45 and 50. When there is not too much sagging in the facial region yet, only when there is a sagging in the cheek parts of the face, a mini face lift operation can be helpful. The main purpose of the surgery is to lift only the cheek region. It is not necessary to enter the deep tissues too much. The loose tissue is removed from the front of the ears and the inner tissue is tightened. This operation, which takes approximately 2 hours, is also performed under general anesthesia.
Full Face Lift Surgery
In the full face lift operation, the temporal region is stretched. At the same time, an incision is made from the scalp border. It continues in front of the ear and thus it is possible to stretch the entire cheek area along the jaw line. It should be noted that the neck region was also stretched during the operation. Along with the skin, the underlying connective tissue called SMAS can also be stretched. Connective tissues under the skin, mimic muscles, in short, all tissues that are in a loose state can be intervened. Individuals over the age of 55 generally benefit from a full facelift operation. We can say that the operation is performed under general anesthesia and its duration varies between 2 hours and 4 hours.
Before Face Lift Surgery
You need to clearly define what you expect from the surgery before the surgery. You should definitely share your expectations with your doctor. You should inform your doctor about the drugs you use and learn how to prepare. The use of tobacco products should be stopped 10 days before the operation. The use of alcohol and blood thinners should also be stopped.
How Is Face Lift Surgery Performed?
The operation is performed under anesthesia and therefore, the patient is prevented from feeling pain and ache during the operation. Which type of anesthesia will be preferred should be decided by the anesthesiologist, taking into account the patient’s condition, age, what kind of intervention will be performed, which regions will be intervened, and the duration of the operation. Although the regions where the incision is made in the operation vary, they are mostly in front of the ear, behind the ear or on the scalp. Therefore, it is not difficult to hide the surgical scars. After the incision is made, the sagging skin and tissues are intervened. Then, stitches are placed on the incision area and the surgery is completed.
After Face Lift Surgery
The early period after the operation is usually a very comfortable process for the patients. Of course, there will be swelling, bruising and a feeling of tension in the facial region. At the same time, since the nerves are also affected by the operation, there may be mild asymmetries on the face. All of these problems will resolve on their own within a few days. Wrapping is also applied to protect the shape gained by the operation. The dressings remain on the face for several days and are then removed. If absorable sutures were not used, the sutures should be removed after 7 to 10 days. The face area should be protected from all kinds of impacts for 1 month and it is also inconvenient to massage and rub the face.
Make-up can be applied after the swelling is completely gone and the suture area is completely closed. However, no cosmetic product should be applied to the face during this period. At the same time, movements that force the body very hard and require a high level of effort should be avoided for 2 months. You can write your questions about face lift surgery in the comment section.