We can say that the problem of tinnitus is more common especially in advancing ages. Approximately 33% of the elderly population complains about this problem. We can say that tinnitus generally affects 17% of the population. Of course, this problem is not only seen at a certain age. Ringing in the ears can occur at any age. Sometimes tinnitus is accompanied by hearing problems, while sometimes only tinnitus may occur.
Ringing in the ears, which is called tinnitus in medicine, is a sound being heard despite the absence of an acoustic stimulus. Although patients think that everyone hears the same sound when they have tinnitus, we can state that the sound heard may actually be in different tones. We can say that patients commonly describe tinnitus sound as follows:
- Ringing
- Buzzing
- Sound of wind
- Machine working sound
- Whistling sound
- Rustle
- Pulse sound
The cause of the ringing sound found in both or only one of the ears must be determined. Because long-term complaints can even cause some mental problems for patients. At the same time, it should be underlined that it is a problem that seriously affects business life, social life or daily life.
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Why Does It Occur?
Of course, the answer to the question of what causes tinnitus is wondered. At this point, a critical element should be mentioned. In some patients, we can say that tinnitus accompanies the hallucinations due to psychological problems. In such cases, detailed examination is of great importance.
It can be determined by the physician that the patient really hears the ringing sound in the ear, and sometimes even physicians can hear this sound with examination. At the same time, some elements can cause tinnitus that lasts less than a week and ends in less than 5 minutes when it starts, and this is considered medically normal.
When it comes to pathological tinnitus, we can say that tinnitus lasts longer. In these cases, patients may also experience hearing loss. The most common causes of tinnitus can be listed as follows:
- Prolonged exposure to loud noise
- Foreign body or fluid in the ear
- Perforation of the eardrum
- Otitis media
- Fluid buildup in the ear
- Damage to inner ear cells for various reasons
- Stiffening of the joints of the middle ear bones
- Allergic reactions
- Diabetes
- Rise or drop in the blood pressure
- Traumas in the head and neck
- Anemia
- Going through the menopause
- Sudden hormone changes
- Thyroid disorder
- Aneurysm
- Tumors affecting the ear nerves
- Incorrect or excessive drug use
- Certain neurological disorders
Among all these reasons, the most common one is listening to loud music. It should be noted that frequent exposure to loud noise can easily lead to tinnitus.
Ringing in the Left Ear
The reasons listed above can cause tinnitus in both the right and left ears. In addition, tinnitus in the left ear can also be caused by middle ear inflammation in the left ear. Tinnitus can occur in only one ear.
Ringing in the Right Ear
Just like in the left ear, tinnitus in the right ear can be caused by many different reasons. A blow to the right ear, middle ear inflammation, damage to the right eardrum are just a few of the causes of tinnitus. With a detailed examination, the cause of tinnitus in the right ear can be determined and necessary intervention can be made.
Tinnitus Treatment
First of all, it should be noted that tinnitus treatment is applied specifically to the individual. With various examinations and tests, the factor causing the tinnitus is determined and the treatment is aimed at eliminating this factor. Therefore, we cannot say that the same treatment procedure is applied to every patient. It should also be mentioned that the treatment options are extremely wide. If an object has gotten into the ear, the treatment is applied to remove this object. If the eardrum is damaged, it is repaired by surgical intervention. In case of middle ear inflammation, the inflammation is eliminated with drug treatment.
Buzzing in the Ear
Patients sometimes describe the complaint of tinnitus as having a buzzing in the ear. The ringing sound may be different in patients, and therefore, a tinnitus in the form of buzzing may also be complained of. In this case, it is tried to detect the element causing the hum with the same techniques.
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