The subject of what is swelling in the neck can cause concern in patients. While this problem, which is seen in both children and adults, is sometimes caused by respiratory tract infection, it can sometimes be a harbinger of much more serious diseases. Of course, for whatever reason, swelling in the neck should be taken seriously and an otolaryngologist should be consulted as soon as possible. Because the cause of these swellings must be investigated.
We can say that tumors are one of the common causes of neck swelling. Benign or malignant tumors can develop in lymph nodes, larynx, salivary glands, thyroid glands, muscles, vascular structures, nerves, in short, all tissues in the neck. However, it should not be forgotten that benign tumors can turn into malignant tumors over time. It can also be said that benign masses tend to grow more slowly than malignant ones.
However, these tumors can be treated and then the swelling in the neck disappears. It should not be forgotten that early diagnosis is of great importance in all diseases. Early diagnosis affects treatment success and duration of treatment. When there is swelling in the neck, it will be a much more rational choice to consult an otolaryngologist instead of waiting for it to go away on its own. Thus, a diagnosis can be made as soon as possible and treatment can be started.
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Does Neck Swelling Fade Away?
The main thing that patients wonder about what is swelling in the neck may be whether these swellings fade away. Of course, it will be possible to get rid of the swelling by investigating the cause of the swelling and then applying the appropriate treatment. Since the number of factors causing swelling in the neck region is quite high, the cause must first be understood, or in other words, a diagnosis must be made. It will also be possible to start the necessary treatment after the diagnosis.
Diagnosing neck swelling may sometimes require a certain period of time. It is necessary to wait for the pathological examination of the mass, especially when there is a tumor-induced swelling. Because it is not possible to start a treatment before the pathological evaluation. When swelling occurs due to infectious diseases, the treatment of this disease can also provide to eliminate the swelling in the neck.
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Why Does Swelling in the Neck Occur?
In general, we can say that the cause of the swelling is as much as the subject of what is swelling in the neck. These swellings in the neck region are examined in 3 main groups.
- Infective
- Congenital
- Tumoral
Infective diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi, and infectious diseases can bring along swelling in the neck. Congenital neck swellings are genetous. Although it usually appears in childhood, it can also occur in young adults. We can list the most common congenital neck swellings as follows:
- Branchial and thyroglossal cysts and fistulas
- Hemangiomas
- Arteriovenous malformations
- Dermoid and epidermoid cysts
Additionally, thyroglossal cysts, dermoid and epidermoid cysts and lateral branchial cysts are seen in moderate frequency.
Neck swelling can also occur due to tumoral reasons, and tumors can be benign or malignant. At the same time, cancers occurring in another region can also metastasize to the lymph nodes of the neck. The cause of swelling in the neck may also be metastasis. Of course, in such a case, the cause of the swelling must be investigated.
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Neck Swelling Surgery
Swelling in the neck may sometimes require surgical intervention. For this reason, topics such as what swelling in the neck is or how the surgery is performed may also attract attention. However, examinations and tests will be needed before the operation. After a detailed examination, endoscopic examinations may also be needed. The patient is also asked to have a blood test. If there is an infective mass, then you may need to use antibiotic medication before the surgery. Treatment varies depending on the cause of the swelling in the neck.
Computed tomography, magnetic resonance examination or detailed ultrasonography may be needed for a detailed examination of the mass causing swelling. An otolaryngologist may also prefer to follow up the mass in advance and have it operated if necessary. Needle biopsy or surgical biopsy should be performed together with ultrasound, and pathological examination of the mass should be performed. In short, a series of examinations must be done before the operation. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and clinical rest is not required most of the time. After a short recovery period, it will be possible for patients to return to their daily lives.