While deviated septum causes only an aesthetically unpleasant appearance in some patients, it can also cause various problems related to the end of the nose in some people. It should be known that this deviation can actually cause various discomforts, although it is generally not given much importance. We can say that especially the deviations that cause nasal congestion invite many different diseases. Not only daily life, but also general health status is seriously affected by less oxygen entering the body.
For example, nasal congestion can lead to various diseases related to the lungs and heart over time. Other problems may arise, such as poor sleep quality, inability to smell or taste. For this reason, deviated septum, which causes some problems especially in the nose, should definitely be taken seriously and an otolaryngologist should be consulted for the necessary intervention.
Yazı İçeriği
What is Deviation?
The wall that divides the nasal cavity into two parts is called the nasal septum. The anterior part of this structure, called the septum, consists of cartilage tissue, and the posterior part consists of bone. Deviation, with its most general definition, is the deviation of the nasal structure consisting of bone and cartilage. This deviation can be seen in the form of bending in only one direction or in the form of bending in both directions. As a result, a deviated septum can be seen.
It is useful to underline that deviated septum is a correctable condition. Even if it is congenital, this problem should not be seen as ‘destiny’. With the interventions to be made, the deviation can be eliminated and a smoother nose appearance can be obtained, which allows the patient to breath freely.
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Deviated Septum Surgery
Deviated septum surgery, which is usually performed under general anesthesia, can also be performed under local anesthesia in rare cases. It should be noted that the operation can be performed with a closed or open technique and the duration of the operation may vary depending on which technique is preferred. Generally, the surgery is completed between 1 hour and 1.5 hours. Thanks to the operation performed with the procedure of removing or correcting the bone and cartilage tissue that causes the deviation, the nose is given a smoother appearance that will not interfere with breathing. With the help of the silicone tampons, the patients experience a very comfortable recovery process.
The Reasons of Deviated Septum
First of all, it should be noted that the development of the nasal bone continues after birth and bone development continues until the age of 18 is completed. During adolescence, a lot of changes can occur in the structure of the nose. Sometimes deviations can be corrected during adolescence, and sometimes deviations may occur after this period.
Studies have revealed that the first factor among the causes of nasal bone deviation is the disproportionate growth of the bones. The second element is any blow to the nasal bone. These blows and spontaneous knitting of the broken nasal bone can also cause deviations in the nasal bone. Genetic factors are also included in the list of causes of congenital deviation of the nasal bone.
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How is It Detected?
Septum deviation, that is, nasal bone curvature, can be diagnosed with a detailed examination with the help of endoscopy. It is not necessary to carry out very advanced examinations. Sometimes, rhinomanometric measurements may be required after the examination for diagnosis. This examination provides a review of the patient’s respiratory status.
Acoustic rhinometry, on the other hand, enables the detection of volume narrowing of the nasal duct. In addition to all these, taking into account the patient’s condition, tomography or x-ray may also be required. These examinations also facilitate the detection of turbinate swellings or allergic conditions. After diagnosis, the patient may also be asked to take a blood test before surgery. The blood test is usually a test needed to determine whether the patient has a condition that prevents surgery.
Deviation Surgery Price 2022
Diagnosed patients may also wonder about the prices of surgery for deviated septum. However, unfortunately, it would not be right to talk about a net price. First of all, the patient should be examined and deviated septum should be examined. Then, the most appropriate surgery planning is carried out for the patient and the budget to be allocated for the surgery is clarified in this way.
You should also keep in mind that surgery fees may vary depending on many factors. Depending on factors such as the experience of the doctor and the surgical technique to be preferred, surgical operation prices may also vary.
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