Dizziness is extremely common among the people. The reason is sometimes very simple factors, but sometimes it can be a harbinger of serious diseases. However, it should be noted that mostly short-term dizziness is not caused by worrying reasons.
The cause of dizziness, which may cause feelings of faintness, loss of balance, and feeling weak and powerless, must be investigated. It may be more important to investigate the cause, especially in cases where vertigo, which is frequently experienced, develops with the complaints of nausea and vomiting, and is much more severe in sudden movements.
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Why Does It Occur?
Of course, dizziness can occur due to many different reasons. It is possible to list the common causes as follows:
- Sudden drop in blood pressure
- Heart muscle diseases
- Decreased blood volume
- Anxiety disorders
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Low blood sugar
- Ear infections
- Dehydration of the body
- Heat stroke
- Excessive exercise or sports
- Motion sickness
- Sudden altitude changes
- Use of certain drugs
In addition to all these, dizziness can also be caused by multiple sclerosis, stroke, malignant tumor or various brain disorders. For example, this problem is a very common symptom of vertigo. Although some problems related to the brain come to mind most of the time, it should be noted that dizziness can often be caused by problems with the ear.
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The Reasons of Dizziness
Ear problems are one of the leading causes of dizziness. Positional dizziness and vertigo can also cause dizziness. Patients complains about the rotation of the environment and imbalance, which usually occur within seconds in the vertigo problem. Dizziness occurs with sudden head movements in vertigo problem.
Meniere’s disease is another cause. This discomfort, which can lead to other complaints such as ringing in the ear and a feeling of fullness, is caused by the imbalance of inner ear fluids. It should be noted that some inflammations in the ear are also included in the list of causes.
Dizziness Symptoms
When there are some symptoms accompanying dizziness, you should consult your doctor immediately. We can list these symptoms as follows:
- Blood pressure drop
- Experiencing severe episodes of dizziness
- Having a feeling of pressure in the ear
- Loss of strength
- Have visual impairment
- Nausea and vomiting
- Blackout
- Ringing in the ear
- Imbalances in the body
- Impaired decision-making ability
All these can also be signs of serious ailments. For this reason, it is absolutely important to carry out the necessary examinations and at the same time to determine the element or elements that cause dizziness. In this way, a diagnosis can be made and treatment can be applied to eliminate the factors that cause this problem.
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Diagnostic Methods
If the patient experiences dizziness, a series of tests should be done for diagnosis as dizziness occurs due to many different factors. In addition to audiometric tests, diagnostic methods and examinations such as videonystagmography, caloric tests, routine biochemistry, electrocardiography, MRI, carotid doppler, ultrasonography should be used.
Sometimes the diagnosis may require a team effort. An otolaryngologist, a neurologist and a cardiologist may need to act together. Sometimes, it may be necessary to perform more advanced examinations as an alternative to the above-mentioned diagnostic methods. The important thing is to identify the factors that cause dizziness together with the diagnosis and to plan the treatment accordingly.
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Treatment Methods
First of all, we should state that the treatment of vertigo is carried out depending on the cause. It should also be noted that the same treatment procedure cannot be applied to every patient, since the treatment is applied to determine and eliminate the source of the problem.
Of course, in order to determine the factors that cause vertigo, some examinations must be done first. After the examination and listening to the patient’s complaints, the appropriate treatment options are evaluated by the doctor, so that the most ideal treatment can be started in a short time. Although the main purpose of treatment is to eliminate the factors that cause dizziness, treatments aimed at reducing or eliminating the patient’s complaints may also be preferred.